Thursday, March 20, 2014


I told you guys spring is not for me.. I have been feeling pretty bad lately and I am home from work ( have been since yesterday). I have an appointment with my Hematologist tomorrow to see what has been going on, I usually do not get sick this often while taking my Hyrdoxyurea as I am supposed to. We are hoping that  the medicine is still working for me cause if not I have to start looking for Alternative ways to manage my SCD. I am still searching but will definitely post alternatives, and if anyone has suggestions for me please share!! I will also let you know what happens at my appointment tomorrow.

Morgan, xoxo

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Gearing Up

So it is that time of the year again, Season Change. The snowy days will now turn to… rainy lol. Its almost spring time! I like the idea of spring time but spring is always the time that I get sick most, its the whole 60 degrees today 30 degrees tomorrow thing that keeps happening. The weather change put me out cold this weekend, I had to leave work early Friday and called out yesterday. I went in today but still am in mild pain ( but i am trying to pace myself… promise). ANYWAY.. back to the main point! With Sickle Cell as you get older you start to get to know your sickness better, and everyone is unique in a certain way. You know the things that trigger you and where your pain may be, you also know the things that can help you to keep moving. With the knowledge that the spring season is not the best time for me I have to prepare myself, mentally, physically, emotionally.

1. DRINK WATER ( AS ALWAYS) - I am also limiting my soda, and sugary drink intake.
2. GET SLEEP - they say 8-10 hours… I'm trying to stay in that range
3. EAT HEALTHY- well i already gave up fast food for " lent ".. so staying away from the chip aisle in the grocery store.
4. RID OF UNNECESSARY STRESS - everyone has different ways they rid of stress.. mine is TV, and drawing makes me forget about the whole world.
5. KNOW YOUR LIMITS- I am aware I can not do EVERYTHING, I need to think for myself and my health.

Well, thats all for now…

hope you have a great night.
